Hamzah Jamad

Blogger. Programmer. Technologist.

Book Review : Jangan Baca Novel Ini by Ismi Fa Ismail

Assalamualaikum wbt

First, this is the first book aku baca from Ismi Fa Ismail. To be honest, ya saya tertarik untuk beli kerana muka depannya. So I went curious and menghabiskan pembacaan in a day. Worth the reading for a horror-genre-fan like me. Tho bukanlah selalu baca buku genre begini, layan movie + Ghost Hunter jak banyak, :3

So the impression on several first chapter I was like 'lols, what is this author thinking? cerita-cerita pendeknya tidak lah menakutkan sangat pun', but apa yang meneruskan aku untuk baca till the end was that creepy and mysterious book si pegawai polis itu pegang. 

Nice try and personally i'm very impressed with the story. Tapi blum ada masa lagi nak beli yang second and third books (u-oh, did i mentioned this book is a trilogy? hahaha,  superb kan?). 

Rating summary:
Horror : 3/5
Driving curiosity : 4/5
Thriller : 3.5/5

Must baca book!


  1. bila dia tulis 'jangan baca' , so takpayah baca lahh.. heheh. genre mcm horror ni kurang sikit. well , memang tak pernah baca any novel ber-genre-kan mcm ni.hoho

    1. haha. Tajuk novel boleh jadi marketing. Kebanyakan org stubborn + too curious to know. Tu yg terbeli (macam sy). Hehe.
