Hamzah Jamad

Blogger. Programmer. Technologist.

Book Review | Cerita Budak Design

Assalamualaikum wbt

"Jadi, untuk aku hilangkan kekeliruan itu, aku tulis buku. Supaya, satu hari nanti bila aku terkeliru lagi, aku baca buku ini,boleh buat aku tersedar kembali bahawa satu masa dulu aku adalah seorang designer yang ada visi. Ataupun tidak.
Who Cares?" - H. Benjamin

I highly recommend this book if you are the person who hati sado dengan bebelan abg long. Majoriti isi dalam buku ni is : BEBELAN. Yes, thats the right term I can found, and yes its still ilmiah and banyak ibrah yang boleh di ambil.

If u kind of wannabe graphic designer, wannabe photographer - before walking in into industries, this are the kind of book to simulate how is it to be a true-graphic-designer is.  

Hidup tak selalunya indah.. langit tak selalu cerah..

I think every job had its hardest part, and in designing its also have. This industries has their own discrimination, challenge, arguments etc and this books had it all. 

The things that the author wanna tell the readers is just about, never give up and keep moving forward, but of course in more elaborate ways, with real life phenomenon, clients from hell simulation (by imagination of course), and how to strengthen your feet on the ground again. 

Thats the things I - as a graphic designer also experience. We have this discriminate in choosing our job, how people with that 'skeptical' kind of thinking towards this occupation. 

So that you know, Rezeki Allah itu luas, when Allah decide that rezeki is for you, never in a million years it will be for someone else. 

What I like about this book is it really like when ur elder brother giving u nasehat how to survive in this cruel world, cos this cruel world not gonna be a bad place always, theres gonna be somewhere or some place in it where you can find a place for a person like you- like us. 

The words used are very santai, senang mengalir di otak, boleh jadi juga ibarat mendengar ibu sedang membebel, but in version of reading sentences. Sometimes, part-part kau fikir author ni sedang mengarut sebenarnya dia hanya nak sampaikan bende yang ntah kenapa pandai betul dia buat otak kita berfikir. That our level of thinking does not end there but diteruskan lagi dengan persoalan dan semangat yang membuak untuk tahu akan kebenaran.

Memiliki buku ini pada harga RM20? Definetly worth it. You'll never lose anything cause you'll find this book is useful to make your self - ourself remember that our job has a vision and not just designer, any job will do.

A vision beyond to make the world a better place for people like us - like you - like me.   

LOL emosi pulak. 


  1. Mohon nanti nak copy paste ya. Dan, maaf ter-stalk blog ni. Dan lagi, thank you for the kindest review. :)

  2. Mohon untuk copy paste nanti ya. Dan maaf ter-stalk blog ni. Dan terima kasih support! :)
